Dear Poison

Dear Poison,

You’ve entered my broken life.
You hurt me so very much.
You handed me the rusty knife.

You made me fall in love.
Yet you still make me hate you.
You do so many things,
I can’t bare to see you do.

My heart was scratched and worn,
Until you introduced yourself.
Now it’s ripped and torn.
And nobody can help.

Why do I love you?
You’re poisonous to me.
However all of this,
I just can not believe.

It is not your fault
That I am damaged and disturbed.
All of these people
Just like to see us hurt.

They convinced me that our love
Wasn’t at all true.
So when it just began,
I began hating you.

Well, now I’m done listening
To all of their evil lies.
Because I can see
Your love for me
Deep in the heart of your eyes.

Your Latest Victim