
Tranquil ocean
Blue green white 
Climbing waves
It is of the Earth

Cloud entwined sky
White blue orange 
Laying puffy crisscrossing trails
It is of the Earth

Shell studded sand
White brown pink
Mounds of surf pounded seaweed
It is of the Earth

Swooping pelicans
Orange white brown
Plunking heads into the water
They are from the Earth

Writhing fish
Black silver blue
Painting their shadows across the water top
They are from the Earth

Peeking sun
Pink orange red
Bursting through the clouds
It is Other

And I
Floating on the waves
Finding pictures in the cloud
Scraping along the sand
Observing the pelicans 
Watching the fish
And tracking the sun

What am I?
I am not
Of the Earth
Or from it
Yet I am connected enough to it 
To not be

I am User
I use the Earth
I am pollution
I am holes in the ozone layer
I am oil spills
I am