Epic Eyes.

Have you ever cried? I don't know why I'm bothering to ask, because I'm quite sure that many, if not all of you, have. Have you ever looked at a tear drop? Not just looked at the water streaming down your cheeks, but truly admired the beauty of that single drop of liquid? I'm not sure if you have, but out of curiosity, I stopped and looked. Here's what I found:

One tear drop contains more than you know. Tears are saltwater, no? Tears contain part of the ocean, and its glory. Tears contain love, and laughter; anger and sadness; happiness, hope, dreams and goals. Think about it. Any of these emotions coursing through your veins strongly enough could cause them to come. Tears are like diamonds, they are like your inner beauty sparkling and spilling over onto your cheeks. Have you ever looked at your eyes as they came? They sparkle. They glow. The true colours of your eyes shine when they spill. When tears come, the ugliness of the world fades away just a little bit. In that one moment when the first one gently rolls off of your face, a weight is lifted. I refuse to believe that tears are simply bodily fluids released from our eye ducts due to an imbalance of chemicals or hormones. I belive that tears are beautiful. I believe that they're a gift sent to each of us, to help us realize that sometimes, the beauty of this world can be found in something as tiny as a drop of water. And to think that I never noticed this before, when it was right in front of me my entire life. Oddly enough, that makes me feel on top of the world. So take a look the next time you cry. Out of happiness, or sadness, take a moment to feel that weight lift up from your back. Think about it.