
Everyday it happens, I know it will.
I don't see why they 'have' to do it, why?, is it just for the thrill?.
They don't know how much pain,how much anger, and how bad they make the people feel.
Why would they keep up with this kind of ordeal?.

I Just don't get it, it's not fair.
People just seem to not even care!
Why would you want to push someone to the limit?
All it takes, for someone to give it all up, and say there done with their life, is just one minute.

The people who have taken their lives, hun, it wasn't called for.
But everyday, they would come home, angry, hurt, bruised, scarred, broken, and sore.
If this was happening to you, I'm sure you would see it to.
You would understand how unfair it is,
I mean come on, it doesnt take a genious to realize how wrong this is.

I hope one day this can come to an end,
Everyone will have enemies yes, but behind them, they will have friends.
No more getting made fun of, for being 'ugly', 'fat', 'gay',
and whatever else they say.

The time to change is now.
Everyone, don't let this kind of stuff bring you down.

It's not worth it, to give a reaction.
Don't let them have their satisfaction.

Your NOT worthless, your NOT Unloved, Your Everything and Anything.

Being you, is all you can do.

Remember this, if this happens to you, I'll always be here, to help you through.

Once this stops, you'll see the benfit of everyone being together,
Maybe, just maybe, bullying could end forever.