
When the fallicies and ineptitudes of one man broods into one giant tempest
of uncertain paths and psychologically unobtainable, what can that one man do?

If he wants to be seen, does he strike a match, and let it all burn for a sight seeing pyre?
Is he to wallow around like a lovesick pauper, beggging for the scraps of what is rightfuly and properly his?

Who can see the distant future, pock marked with triumph and tragedy? To live a life without knowing, is it truly better? Is it any easier and acceptable when one does know? What can us foolhardy bastions, holding out truncheons of quickly fleeting dreams and hopes hope to achieve in this bitter sweltering life of fast moving ghosts and egocentric metrosexual pop-culture zealots?

I am but one man with a million problems, and a solution is not openly known or made apparent. What can one man do in a life and world such as this?

Try living it.