Where Are You?

Where are you?
Where did you go?
Please tell me soon,
I really want to know.

I'll be in that field,
The one we always went to,
You'll find me there,
I'll be waiting for you.

Let me know when you're here,
I can't wait to talk,
Spend time together,
Take a long walk.

Are you here yet?
Remember that one day,
When I wasn't sure of it all,
And you said it'd be ok?

Why were you wrong?
Did you have to be?
Where are you?
Do you miss me?

All of these questions,
But you never answer one,
I wish you told me every answer,
Yet I'm left here with none.

You're an empty space,
Can you tell me why?
Will I ever get that answer,
Or should I just say goodbye?