Sorrow: And original poem by Sierra N. De Vore. I made this on 8/31/10 in Creative Writing in memory of my Uncle Oscar.

What did Sorrow smell like?
It smelled like a lost one's old and greasy work shirt, like burning incense sitting on a tall dresser and his favorite cologne.

And what did Sorrow look like?
It looked like a dear one's ghostly appirition, like pictures of their face or smile and the darkness surrounding a lonely girl and her broken heart.

And going further, what did Sorrow sound like?
It sounded like echoing sobs in an empty room, like a soul that will never be forgotten's favorite songs pouring from the stereo or the broken screams escaping a shattered-hearted girl's dry throat.

This is what Sorrow smelled and looked and sounded like to a girl who has just lost one of her favorite family members.
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My Uncle, Oscar Enrique Alfaro, died on August 3, 2010 due to a drunk driver. If you read the paper, you'll know who I'm talking about.. I miss you Uncle Oscar.. We all do.. -Sierra Nicole De Vore.