
When life is hard there are many things that I do
Sometimes I cry
Sometimes I yell
Sometimes I scream
Sometimes I pull away
Sometimes I push the ones I love away
Sometimes I hide
Sometimes I say things I dont mean
Sometimes I cut
Sometimes I think of death
Sometimes I lose sight of what I really care about
But as hard as life gets I must remember that
Every time I cry there is someone out there that will dry those tears
Every time I yell there is someone to listen to me
Every time I scream there is someone to scream with me
Every time I pull away there is someone who will pull me back
Every time I push the ones I love away there is someone to push me back
Every time I hide there is someone to find me
Every time I say things I dont mean there is someone to remind me that I dont really mean it
Every time I cut there is someone who will take the time to find out why
Every time I think of death there is someone to remind me of everything I have to live for
And every time I lose sight of what I really care about I find myself thinking of all the people who are there for me and I remind myself of what really matters and of what I really care about