
I step into a world of dust.

Memories overflow me.

Pain clenches my gut.

This is where it happened.

Where my life turned over.

I walk into the bathroom.

The mirror is covered, opaque.

I wipe it all away

And stare at my face.

The image is blurred by my tears.

My face still cut.

My father with a bar

Towering over me

The image perfect.

He strikes again and again.

Pain breaks free.

A wild emotion

That cannot be tamed

I scream loud

Find a rock

Fling it at my face,

That screams back at me as it breaks.

The memory shatters

Just like the glass

A small fragment

Sent swirling

Through air.

I place my hand on the sink

A small sharp chunk poking a deep hole in my finger.

The blood returns,

A crimson bead on pale flesh.

I let it grow to the peak and it drips to the floor.

It seems to hang in midair.

Just like my thoughts.

Upon impact it splatters just like my life.

It is the last drop of blood

Caused by him.
♠ ♠ ♠
Something I wrote also many years ago about abuse :/