Lifes Gifts

Take my hand
Press it to your heart
Allow me to feel
The blood rushing through your veins

Take my imagination
Lets run wild
Lets dance in the snow
Lets dream of floating in the clouds

Take my eyes
See what I see
See the world
Take in the beauty of the sun and the moons contrasting lights

Take my ears
Listen to the ocean
Listen to the sounds of nature
Listen to the prayers of those who seek salvation

Take my arms
Feel the green green grass
Feel life as it blooms
Feels the earths soil slip between your fingers
Wrap your arms around natures welcoming embrace
Clap your hands to the rythm of the earth

Take my legs
Walk on the shoreline
Walk amung the stars
Swiftly move across lifes grand stage

Take my feelings
Bury them away
Deep inside your soul
Hidden away

Take what I can offer
Life is so fragile
Taken from its roots
Another firmly planted in earths fertile soil
Ready to grow

Take my soul
Take everything I stood for
My faults
My imperfections
Mu unwavering faith in you

Take Me
Here as I stand
We can go anywhere
Together hand in hand