Human Nature

You’re not scared of asking
You’re just afraid of the answer
You’re not scared of heights
You’re just afraid of falling
You’re not scared of falling in Love
You’re just afraid of getting your heart broken
And with good reason
It human nature to feel fear
And therefore feel pain
Pain is harvested in the mind of the restless
It’s all a part of human
We all…
And steal,
It’s all a part of the nature we’ve created
To shield us from the bleak reality called truth
And the harsh tides called fairness
Alongside the mask of deception called honesty
Human nature is part of who we are as a being
It tells us all that we’ve done and all that we can do
Human nature guides us
Like the shooting star guided the 3 kings
Like Hitler guided the Germans
Like greed guides thieves
The fear and nature of our kind
Courses through reality like the blood in my veins
And this nature of things can be shown forth
In many aspects of the paradox or double standard of the female population
Girls as innocent as they would like us to think
They’re as just devious as any other force
Females like to parade over a guy’s heart
Like saints Patties day
Even If that guy gives her his all and fails
Shouldn’t she at least be grateful for all that he’s given her?
Shouldn’t she thank him at least one time?
Good men,
And I do mean good men
Are close to extinction here in this forsaken world
And to tread so close to ones hearts then turn back
To see the finish line but never enter
To hold but never be held
To see the sun but to never feel its warmth
It should be a crime to string a heart in
But never have intentions to love
But it happens frequently and even more often
Girls make us (Guys) look like the “Bad” guys in every situation
When in reality she’s just toying with the system
Females often get stuck in their mind a common thought
They think that they run this Earth
That they can just make every living thing to just yield to their “Power”
Just because they possess boobs and a vagina?
And for those who are weak
And resist everything but the forces of temptation
Will indeed crouch down on all fours and beg
Like the flee covered K-9 they are
But for the rest of us the world doesn’t stop
Just because some girl decided to open her legs a little too wide
Or button her shirt 3 buttons too low
Time still presses on ward toward eternity
But society doesn’t see this double standard as I
I mean a guy with pure intentions could innocently strike up a conversation
Trying to just voice his opinion
But if the female doesn’t like what she is hearing
All she has to do is to yell “Rape” or “Fire” “Fire”!!!
I hope you see the gravity of the situation at hand here
The double standards that we are forced to live by
The paradox’s that accompany them
Those are just unmistakable
Now I am not saying that guys aren’t at fault
Because we certainly are not, by any stretch of the imagination, perfect
In fact we are the exactly the opposite from perfection
And we in truth have some double standards of our own
But I shall not get into that just yet
Because I plead the 5th
But if you are reading this and didn’t get anything from it
Please get that female are not as innocent as they would like us to believe.
But just like in reality
It’s all…
Double standards,
And dare I forget…
Human Nature…