That Cross You Carry

We all carry a cross
We drag it through the dirt
That we call life

Is life fair?
You tell me
My cross is light
How heavy is yours?

You're just a number
Randomly pulled from a hat
Some are lucky

Some are not

Get over yourself
Your life sucks?
I don't believe you

We all carry a cross
We drag it through the dirt
That we call life

Is life fair?
You tell me
My cross is light
How heavy is yours?

Some are born rich
Most are not
Not all can accept their given life

Complain to the sky
Take your own life
Shut up

Each day adults die
As do babies and children
Did you die today?

We all carry a cross
We drag it through the dirt
That we call life

Is life fair?
You tell me
My cross is light
How heavy is yours?

Think about it
How heavy is yours?