Memory Days

Hold it all close to your heart,
the things you find most dear,
hold onto what can tear you apart,
through the looking glass you see so clear.

Hold onto the magnifying glass,
hold it up to your chest,
look hard into the spectacle and see past
all of the things keeping you from your best.

Read off the page you keep balled up in your fist,
sing the notes to the song you once knew by heart.
Now it's all mysterious and strange,
who'd have known things changed?

Cling tightly to a childhood memory
of you running through the sand at the beach,
see the water splashing, feel it on your face like it was just yesterday,
feel the motion of the waves still held in your skin.
Look to the sky and see the clear blue,
feel the sun, remember how it burned you.

Close your eyes against the darkness,
remember the sunny days,
remember the ways I held you close...
just like the memories you know so well.

Remember how you clung to me
and wouldn't let go until the sun rose,
remember the smell of my hair as it fell against your face...
just like the waves.

Remember how my arms encircled your shoulders and made you feel so safe
just like the summer days we spent together basking in the sun.
Remember the smell of fresh cut grass as a breeze trickled across your nose
and made you sneeze.
Remember how we giggled and smiled into the sky...
Remember the days when you were all mine.

This is how I remember you
before things turned so dark.
This is how I see you, smiling as I looked into your eyes,
This is what I cling to.... This is what I see through the looking glass.