
It’s not you; I swear it isn’t.
And it’s not that I don’t trust you; I do.
It’s me.

I’ve held my secrets so close
For so long
That I can’t let them go.
The thought of someone looking at me,
Knowing my secrets—
The thought terrifies me.
And speaking those memories aloud,
Or committing those thoughts to paper,
Would make them real.

Don’t you see?

I can’t admit it.
I can’t admit what know,
I know,
Is the truth.
It hurts too much.

Yeah, they happened.
Those events happened;
I know they did.
I felt those emotions;
I know I did.

But I'm ashamed.
I want to forget them
And leave them in the past.
I am trying to do that in the best way
That I know how.

Help me?
Help me forget?