Accrostic Poetry


Create a wave of mystery
Leave out the loose tongued
And in the dark, dead
Night, a secret to be born
Doan our darkened clothes
Escape your deadened life
Seeking sanctuary among the other hidden
Tell your lies, make them known
Imagine yourself far away
Never forget yourself, my friend
Else you’ll cease to exist


Joyous dawns come no more
A vast depression incases us
Days are forgotten in favor of night
Endlessly, she said
Death will come
Hello, my dear
A strangely scornful greeting
Victory, the evil cries out
Our time is done
Killing Lights


Muffle the outside, pretend it isn’t there
shUt it out, close it off
Solitude within the mind
lettIng go of inner pain
Carefree once more

Just sitting here wishing
that Eventually
you’ll Say
the wordS
I long to hear
that you Care
that you Accept me, that you love me

Wished away
Abused, abandoned
No where to go
misused, misTreated

A/N: Just to avoid confusion, jadedhavok is my most commonly used username, Jessica is my REAL name, and Unwanted is my favorite Kill Hannah song. Unwanted was VERY heavily enfluenced by the song. JadedHavok uses a LOT of AFI refrences (if you don't get WHY invest some time in googling AFI). Don't get pissy with me about me "stealing" work or whatever, okay?