
A running jump
A leap of faith
No place for fear
No time for regret
A float for a while
Confident and sated
Slowly, however,
Sinking begins
Water rises
It teases the neck
Brings forth the fear
No longer repressed
It creeps up as you sink down
Faster now
Beneath the surface
Feet fumble around
Searching for ground
It’s to your chin
And when you cry out
Water garbles the scream
Before its left your mouth
Can’t breathe, can’t think
Terror sets in quickly
As you continue to sink
At long last searching feet
Find slippery stone
And all at once you feel
Both hope and fear to hope
Feet slip and slide
Your footing lost
And all at once
You’re submerged
Fully in this pool of despair
Too late to be saved
By yourself or anyone else
You’ve already drown
Within your own dark thoughts