Joey Smiles

Can he feel it?
The love bursting from within me.

I never expected
to find someone like him.
I know it's forbidden,
but it isn't a sin.

Joey smiles
Like I'm the light of his day.
He's simply just mesmerizing,
there's just no way --
that it's real.

Why can't Joey leave my mind?
My thoughts trace back to him every time,
I can't stop smiling,
maybe I'm going insane. . .

Or maybe it's something else.

Joey smiles
and it makes me feel so good.
I could talk to him for hours,
I really could.

He's simply just the best guy ever,
and nothing could ever change that.

But Joey frowns
when I'm hurt,
and cries when I cry.

But he's confused
with his love life,
and It's killing me inside.

I want to hold his hand,
and I want to hold him tight.
Without him I'm miserable,
Joey is my life.

I made Joey cry last night,
and now I really want to die,
my soul was always right,
life is just a lie.

Joey smiles
when I laugh,
and loves when I play.
He's just so much fun,
there's just no possible way --
that this is all real.

Joey, I love you,
I can't even explain,
the affection I have for you,
that runs through my veins.

You're one of a kind,
and you're the best.
Please don't cry,
and get good rest.

Because I feel your pain,
even from here.
It's just so sad,
It's reflecting on me,
as if it's a mirror.

I'm so sorry.

Joey smiles
when I tell him
how special he is.
Joey is precious.

I don't think he believes me
when I lay out the facts,
that he's perfect how he is,
and that he needs to relax.

Because I want him happy,
it's like a taste of Heaven.

Joey smiles
when I tell him he's cute,
because he is!
How could he not be?
God, he's adorable. . .

So I hope he hears me out,
and does what makes him happy,
because this situation is sticky,
and frustratingly sappy.

So can he feel it now?
The unfailing love bursting
from within me?
I sure hope so.