
The water runs across my horribly disgusting face.
The way i look is just something i never could embrace.
Such a disfigured body , and unresting eyes.
The smiles i give are just a disguise.

I've hated myself for all these years.
Only time i let it out is through my tears.
My outer shape is one huge mess,
It causes all my stress.

My smile, unattractive, so i stay silent some more.
I don't know how i stand even walking out the door.
I think i'm too fat, and my skin isn't clear.
Looking the same as i grow older is what i fear.

I wish i could be someone else, almost anyone but me.
But for now all i can do, is try to fix what i see.
This ugly, shy girl with low self esteem,
It's really quite hard to believe she's me.

(c) Jakki "Heartbreaker Valentino [me] , September 5th, 2010.
♠ ♠ ♠
How i truly see myself.