
Did you even see me there;
In the rain with water-streaken hair?
I saw you just walk on by,
I wished passionately you'd just die.

Why didn't anyone listen to me;
After all I saw- All I see?
Maybe you chose not to believe,
How horrid my life could actually be.

Or maybe you thought I was like everyone else:
Cruel, uncaring, and only thinks of themself.
You'll never know how wrong you were
When you called me names that made me stir.

Did you even wonder why I was always alone?
Hiding my feelings from the world I'd known?
Maybe you thought I was nervous and shy,
You'd never think I was scared and wanted to die.

All friends do is pretend to listen,
Which usually ends up in a back-stabbing mission.
They say they're there for you when they're not,
They just cause more problems than I've already got.

I see it now, everything's clear.
Life's messed up- I need more beer.
♠ ♠ ♠
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