It could be a lie...

Don't listen to what I say
because it could all just be a lie
Don't trust me when I say I care
because I'm just used to saying that

Don't act like I'm the only one
That knows that they don't care
I'm not
I know that
But you will never admit it

I can stand here and, for once, truly say
I don't give a damn.

I don't give a damn
If you fall and scrape your knee
Because to me
Your pain is beautiful
It almost makes me cry

Tears of joy?
Tears of pain

I can't stand the sight of you smiling
Thanking me for being there.
I listen because it's all I'm good for.
I warned you before
I don't care

If your heart was broken
I would be there to snap a picture
Because the ultimate beauty is in tears

A sadistic drop that gives you away
When you're trying your best to be strong
The one true emotion
That is as fake as it gets.

Your tears don't affect me
They never have
Never will
Because I want to cause them

I have these thoughts
These, more commonly known as, sick thoughts
My body aches
Because it wants to cause you pain

But it won't
Because that would be a truth.

And now for the biggest lie of all.

Smile. It's for the camera.
It's for the image that comes after.
They see it
They believe it.

But it's a lie
An illusion
A picture to uphold

I'm not going to stand here
And say this was all the truth
It's up to you if you believe it
But remember

It could all just be a lie...