Living Nightmare

She looks on with no expression
Thinking of how it all came to be
Adding it up and the answer isn't there
Everything she hates is only herself
A sick realization of how she's been set back
Her brain messed up and now she isn't normal
Glaring at all those who smile and laugh
She can't understand what's to be happy about
The life she lives is the one she doesn't want
Only one way out but then it's over
Live and suffer or die and be relieved
So confused she screams in her head
Calm on the outside but falling apart inside
No more happiness its just anger and sadness
So frustrated as her life is out of control
Watching as it all comes to an end before her eyes
Not wanting to die but it's her only option
Everything seemed fine until she found her place
All the things she loved was ripped away
Only to be replaced by things too hard to handle
Finding it so shocking when she tries to smile
How empty and fake she feels just to make others happy
People say her name and she is shocked
Knowing she's still here in the world that hates her
The teachers see right through her but her friends don't
Not a single one to talk her down from the point of no return
Always alone when her words are the most poisonous
Putting herself down but it's not what she wants
Wants to live another life where she is somebody else
One who is everything that makes a person good inside
She knows the way she's going will kill her
But maybe it's what she has been looking for
An end where no pain exists and she can leave in peace
Calmly saying goodbye as she fades away into darkness
The dark that used to scare her could now be the savior
Take her away until she is gone completely to the world
Her name erased from everything she thought she was
Gone forever but walking on the clouds with the silver lining
But she's still alive and will never be happy
She's the girl who was doomed when she was born
Nothing left to lose and nothing at all to gain
This is her secret this is her pain
♠ ♠ ♠
I created this poem to show that a new beginning isn't always a good one.