Four Years Too Late

This feeling of of utter despair,
Like nothing will make me start to repair.
I am a broken spirit lost in the mist,
I hear the taunts and my hand makes a fist.
For four years now I have put you in the back of my mind,
Somehow never reaching you or wanting to accept this kind,
This kind of sadness I now feel for I have lost the race.
I shut you away to block the realization of this case.
But now I finally pull you out of the dusty corners of my memory,
And I cry knowing that you carried such a great legacy.
You made me love animals with all I got and now it has been four years,
Since you passed away, leaving behind all your work and freshening my tears.
I know you would forgive me for mourning so far from when you went away,
But I know that it was too much shock for me to take that on that horrible day.
My sister came to me saying you were dead, a smirk on her face,
She laughed as my life shattered but I knew no one could take your place.
I didn't shed one tear until a couple days later then cried for two days straight,
All the memories came to me of you on TV and I couldn't picture you at the Pearly Gate.
So I stowed you in the darkness until I was ready to face this horrible date,
But then to my horror I realized that suddenly I was four years too late.
♠ ♠ ♠
It was so hard to write this. The whole time I was crying my eyes out, Steve in my mind. I started watching his show around 10 years of age and I got hooked.I saw all the shows and movies he made. He made me want to work with animals for a career. I told myself that when I got old enough I would go to Australia and meet him and maybe even work at his zoo. It was my dream. And when my sister told me he died, I didn't believe her. I thought she was making it up, but then my dad confirmed it. I remember the rest of that day as me being numb. I was in too much shock to comprehend him leaving this earth. I tried to forget it for as long as possible until I snapped. Crying for endless hours, even all day. My only hero had left me in this cold and dark world alone. My dream seemed shattered. I thought that there was no point in going to Australia anymore, and to this day I'm still unsure about it. I don't know if I could go to the Australia Zoo and not burst into tears as soon as I got there. But I still want to help save the animals and the environment just like he did. He may be gone, but he will never be forgotten.