
There was nothing but silence in the air,
except the promise that my lungs would tear,
and my final thoughts of if I should care...

Shallow breathes, my heart beats as he comes in
Death carresses me, a kiss on my skin.
Fear and relief as I commit my final sin.

The floorboards creak and I close my eyes,
So beautiful is darkness, how fast time flies.
The clock strikes twelve and my soul severes ties.

I'm so close to guiltless pleasure I could sigh.
Pretending to be scared- just another lie,
I lean forward and prepare to die.

His hand covers my mouth, but I'lve lost my will to fight,
I've lived for too long praying something would go right

A death wish that no one could ever see,
An escape from the world that won't accept me
My last words- to thank my murderer for setting me free.