I Needed You

When I was young I needed you
Before I could walk and talk
And you did your bit
How did it feel?

When I was older
And your husband left
I needed you
How did that feel?

Older still, high school drama
Tears and fall outs
I needed you
How does that feel?

All grown up
Long term relationship
New horizons
I still need you

So how does it feel?
To spend 19 long years
Being needed by the little bundle you held in your arms so long ago
And swore to love and protect

Let me tell you how it feels
It feels like a chore
It feels like hard work
It feels like too much effort any more

19 years ago
You stood against the world
And said I will love and protect this little life
What happened?

I’m 19 now, a big girl
But guess what Mom
I’ll get by with or without your help
Sorry to be the waste of your life