I Miss You

I’m still waiting for you to be outside my door
I’m still waiting for those texts saying we need to hang out more

I’m used to not seeing you for a while
We always had issues making plans, but now all I want is to see your smile
I don’t want a picture, and I don’t want a video
I just want to hang out for a little while

It upsets me I didn’t see you a lot anymore,
I wish I could go back in time; I’d make sure we hung out so much more

I know you’re in a better place
But it’s still hard for me to accept
That I have to wait ‘til I join you,
To see your gorgeous face
I heard somewhere that dreams tell you what you wish for.
But even though I knew you were using your wings to soar,
I still dreamt that you were kidding, only playing.
That somewhere along the line you lied, that you never died.
♠ ♠ ♠
ummmm i love my bestfrienddd forr revising this for me because it wasn't rightt yet =P
anndd i miss my other best friend Chloee ALOTTT i love you wifeyy R.i.p. <3