A Hero

As I stand on this battle field, I look around,
My brothers all trembling, over this hallow ground.
It's a destined fate, no room for hope,
Each one of us, at the end of our rope.

All around us, there is danger in the air,
About to engage, if we dare.
The men all strung out, far to thin,
There is no chance for us to win.

Over the hill we see our doom,
This hallow ground will soon be our tomb.
But a hero stands tall, and a hero will fight,
Today a hero will fall, by the end of the night.

They rushed us head on, a legion at least,
The enemy fought like an immortal beast.
Their fire and anger releasedd Hell's heat,
Killing and slashing, unable to beat.

At first frozen in fear, now falling as weights,
Ay brothers won the race to God's pearly gates.
So few of us left a handful at best,
It was time for the hero to think of the rest.

"Run while you can, go back to your home,
this graveyard will be where my spirit shall roam"
So as the brothers strictly and quickly obeyed,
Hero fell to his knees and desperately prayed...

"God I don't need to live, but grant me this much,
see my brothers home safely, and give me your touch.
May this battle never happen again,
And may i be remembered a hero. Amen"

Hero stood to his feet, rifle in hand,
Fully accepted this would be his last stand.
He looked straight ahead, Staring directly at death,
He closed his eyes and took his final free breath.

He opened his eyes, but blindly ran in,
Killing as many as one man possibly can.
Until a bayonette stopped him dead in his track,
empaled by his chest, and then flat on his back.

Staring at the sky, no longer in pain,
Wondering if his death was in vain.
Slowly he rose, as if now on wings,
Hero was being held up by angelical beings.

He could now see his brothers safe trail,
So now resting in peace, he let himself fail.
"Thank you lord, for hearing my plea,
I will come to you now, as a soldier of thee."
♠ ♠ ♠
-the soul reliever