It's Hard

It's hard to smile when you're like this,
Your warm hugs and smiles are the ones I miss.
Was it something I did to make you act this way?
How can you walk on by without a single word to say?

It's hard to think you actually care,
When you do nothing even if you see every tear.
What do you think of when you sit by yourself?
Looking away? Or trying to help?

It's hard to kiss you while nothings the same,
I hug you instead, ignoring the pain.
Do you think of me as someone special? Or just another friend?
That's the feeling I get when you don't even hold my hand.

It's hard to compare you with the guy I used to like,
You two are different like day and night.
So tell me, what made you change?
You've changed everything, even your name.

It's hard to love you, when you're this way,
But I hold in the tears and walk away.
I'm still devoted to you with all my heart,
I'd say it's over..But it's hard
♠ ♠ ♠
This one was a bit personal but I felt a need to share it