My Heart

You knew I broke easily,
So why did you even lie to me?
I trusted you with all my heart,
Then you went and tore me apart.

My heart is shattered now,
I can't believe you broke me down.
Tried so hard not to believe what they said about you,
But it all turned out to be true.

I thought you could of been the one,
Instead you just lead me on.
I wish you could see my every tear,
Cried every one of them for you because you're not here.

My life was already going bad,
And you knew that.
You only made it a complete wreck,
I wish I could take back all of it.

Take back every single word,
And every time I ever felt hurt.
You have no idea how much pain,
You put me through cause nothings the same.

My heart was already about to break,
You took it when it wasn't yours to take.
Now you pretend to be something you're not,
You were different, at least thats what I thought.

You don't know how many times I've tried to forget,
The very first time you and I met.
The guy with braces and glasses-wheres that guy,
The one that was a big impression on my life.

I fell in love with you,
I hate to admit it but its true.
You're still in the deepest part of my heart,
I've tried to let you go but its just too dang hard.