You wont stop me.

All her life she has been told what to do.
How to live her life, when to live it,
and how it should always be done.
She would always listen, because
she didn't know any other way.
The smile that was plastered on her face,
was fake. It was there because she was told it had to be.
She couldn't speak her own words,
and she couldn't live her own life.
But the day she met "him", made all of that change.

He showed her what it was like to feel.
To be loved.
He showed her the way the rest of the world lived.
She had fun, ... something she hadn't had in a long time.
She smiled because she wanted to, and not because she was told to.
She cried when she wanted to, because she wanted to.
Because of him she was finally free.

And the day of the ultimate test finally came.
They had told her what she couldn't and could do.
And her reply was shocking to herself, and everyone around her.
"You wont stop me." She stated with pride.
And her smile, never faltered.