What Have I Done?

What have I done?
Those clouds I pulled
They waft over your head
Nice and dark

They were mine
But now they’re in time
With your heart
Now broken apart

Oh gosh it’s not right
I certainly am giving myself a fright
I’ve been so cruel
I burned all the fuel

What I’ve done I cannot fix
I must stop all my tricks
No more, no more
I’m closing the door

What a question mark
Can’t you see the dark?
I’m bringing it, that’s me
Maybe you won’t agree

But Life is on the line
Give me the papers to sign
I am not committing suicide
My thoughts have just unified

What have I done?
I’ve spoiled the fun
Sucked you dry
Sigh, sigh, sigh

I’m so so dim
How could I turn out like him?
What a dick
Such a prick

Now look at me, so stupid
I should just get booted
I tried not to hurt
But I was the one to throw the dirt

I’ve been so mean
You were so keen
I’m not The One
I am not your bright sun

Where is my gun?
But there is none
I can’t die
So I just cry

I care, I do, I do
You have me blue
My heart it squeezes
When your heart freezes

I want to hold you tight
To help you fight
I love you as my friend
Your problems I wish I could mend

If only I could help you with the pain
That drives you insane
You need to see
That you need to set yourself free

Slap my hand away
Keep me at bay
Mend like anything baby
I’ll see you on the other side...maybe