Dark Angel Creed

We see people with our hearts,
Not with our eyes,
We belive in beauty of the soul,
Not beauty of the flesh,
We belive in individuality not in prejudice,
Our souls don't need saving,
For they are not in peril,
Just because we're not saints,
It doesn't mean we'll burn in hell.

Fallan Angel
Destined to fly;
Broken and crazy
But to strong to cry.

From thine own heart,
I give to thee,
A silken rose and a melody.

For what could frost,
Could cill the marrow,
And kill us all the,
No tomorrow
I shall be thy dark angel today,
And bring thee all i have to say,
And fare thee well,
My dark angel,
And pray we see the next dawn alight.
♠ ♠ ♠
id did not write this a friend of mine didi but it is something i belive and i go by