Time To Decide

Living with you,
It's too much pain,
I don't want to,
But I'm going through it again.
You don't even realise,
What you do to me,
The pain you cause,
But you just can't see.
The words you say,
Tear at my heart,
I'm starting to think,
That we need to be apart.
The words keep coming,
They never stop,
They roll of your tongue,
Like a saliva drop.
You say all you want,
You keep going,
You don't even see,
My tears showing.
I feel so torn,
Inside I'm dead,
I need to get things sorted,
Sort out my head.
I need to decide,
What I should do,
Whether or not,
I love you.
I need to figure out,
If its worth trying,
And whether you,
Will stop me crying.
I need to know,
About me and you,
Whether or not,
We're meant to be true.

I love you.... But do you love me too?