Loosing My Sanity

Everything pushes me. Closer and closer to the edge.

Edge of what, you ask?

My mind, what keeps me thinking right, what holds my sanity.

I fight the urge daily, trying to keep myself from slipping off.

I keep what I can to myself, afraid if I divulge too much, I can break off, and fall over.

Why should I care? Craziness is a specialty of mine.

My reason stands at this.

Craziness is a state, how you want to be and choose to be.

Insanity is a penalty, something to make you watch your step. It threatens what you want to do in your short lived life.

So I ask, which would you rather have?

Craziness that can be insulted for what you may do or say, because you choose to.

Or insanity, the consequence of not watching yourself and falling to your lowest.

Insanity can be not the worse, but the best corollary that could come from not watching yourself.

My life revolves around how I can perceive life, though no ones opinion matters to me.

Craziness is a choice, a preference chosen by myself, that no other thought matters to my stature, only my own opinion.

My sanity dims and insanity will take over before I can stop it.

But whoever said that was really a bad thing?
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Haha I just wrote it to make you think a bit.