
Lost and never found
An unpeeled orange lies bruised on the groun
I take a deep breath and realise
I dont have to hide anymore
I'm finally free to say what I wanna say
And be who I wanna be
And what I want to say is
And what I want to say is
And what I want to say is
Yes those rumours are true, get over it

Three little birds, Tac, Twiddle and Tweet
Life is good but freedom is sweet

I am free to imagine...
Screams rip through the atmosphere
Frantic flames radiate hateful heat
A beautiful tregedy before my child like eyes
Burning flesh lingers in the matted air-
I cant stop smiling

Lost and never found hiding from others
Will they bother to find you...do they care?
Weakness and vulnerability
Ugly words- we use wrongly
Strenght is power over others
Something we ought to share

Three little birds, Tac, Twiddle and Tweet
Life is good but freedom is sweet

Lost and never, no interference
Write to express yourself, use words
You couldnt ever, ever say aloud
It's just paper, pens and air
I can talk about my feelings for girls
My manic depression and self harm
I am free to talk and I am free to write
What does that even mean?
Destiny, Love, Freedom
Freedom? It's all crap

Lost and never found
Running, racing dont let doubt catch you
Mothers serching the smoke filled air
Nothing is left, an empty landscape
I still cant stop smiling

Three little birds, Tac, Twiddle and Tweet
Life is good but freedom is sweet