
Being alone is really lonely place
Who would of guessed it
You just sit there in silence
Thinking about every little thing in your life
All the mistakes and regrets

So many thoughts going round your head
Tears threatening to pour down your face
Wanting someone to call to see if your okay
Just so you can escape from your thoughts
But your phone stays silent

You just want to stop thinking about the past
All the painful memory's you hold on to
Of all the happy times you've had
But your start to realize, there isn't any
Just blurred misery and living nightmares

One memory sticks out from the rest
One of the happiest nights you will never forget!
Everything was perfect! Layed out all neatly
Things just the way they should be
No way you could back

One thing left to do, the last thing needed,
Tears are rolling ever so slowly down my cheek
I know whats coming, but i just cant feel anything
Not even scared that this might actually work
Wish i had the chance to make a difference

I wish i could keep all the promises i made
I wish i could keep everyone happy
And that i could of actually told u i love you
That i could of actually experienced true,
pure and long happiness!!

Instead it was just dark sadness!
I'm sorry i never got to make u proud
I'm so sorry that i have hurt u in the worst possible way
I cant tell you how hard this is to explain to you, So
Good night, god bless and sleep well!
See you soon...! </3