More of the dark side

You have yet to see the dark side of me
I'm scared for you when you do
I keep to myself and stay quite you never know what
I'm thinking or going to do

You keep talking shit go a head keep on
I fear for you cuz it just might be your
words your life depends on

I may seem nice but with all the things
I have been through you don't know the
real me inside for all the shit you people
have put me through
I cripple your soul
I'm indulged in your pain
I congratulate myself for giving you a darker day

How does it feel?
Not so good does it?
It leaves you feeling sick and dead
soon there will be nothing left of you
and this all will be an accomplish
now do you see me? the real me
the dark side I told you, you didn't
want to see!
♠ ♠ ♠
So what do you think