Looks, Whispers, And The Abandoned Ruins Of Me

It isn't screams that chase me
It's whispers
It's looks
Looks of disappointment
Whispers between my parents
Coming together
As a weapon to twist at my heart

Twist it and twist...until it snaps
Until I either stop caring
Or keep hurting
I'd rather stop caring
But I can't
All I can do is pretend that I don't
That when they look at me and sigh
It doesn't hurt
When they judge me and find me lacking
It doesn't shatter the roots of self confidence
I have worked so hard to nurture

Mom, Dad...
This isn't how you parent
This is how you tear someone down
So you can build them back in your perfect ideal
I am torn down...but left that way
Never built back up
Someday...will someone see through my facade
And realize that I am just the
Abandoned ruins of me?
Mom, Dad....once upon a time, I thought that was your job.
Back then
I thought you were supposed to love me

Silly me.