Throw me Hope.

Throw me Hope.
A Poem By: LolaLovise
For: Haiti and other countries suffering.

Glistening past,
swirls and spins,
dust it all,
it feels like a fairytale,
one that went wrong.
Why us?
Why now?
Is it anything much but grim?
So bad, so good,
so great, so wreck,
sense or not,
you'll see the speckles of hope,
throw me hope,
it'll all be better,
is it now or never?
Or will I wait for you once more?
Shaken and broken,
that's what I've become,
no hopes, no dreams,
it's all a gone fantasy,
lucky or not?
I know I'll still be alive.
Dreams I've had,
I've seen it,
near but yet so far,
not a fantasy?
Real or not?
Throw me some hope!
Throw it,
don't hesitate,
it's now or never,
you and I,
here and there,
we'll overcome it all!
Hope is given,
taken, thrown,
but all in all,
you're here with me,
never parting,
you are her,
you always will,
I know your near,
you said to me,
"My child, so young so fragile,
I'm here, with you,
never gone,
always near"
My father has come,
he'll be with me always,
us and everyone,
I know hope is near,
for he had spread it,
all is well,
god is near,
always here,
with me and you,
his children that he loves,
I'm spread with glee.
Throw me hope!
Throw me hope!
I know I'm safe,
a white shining light,
what is happening?
Am I alive?
What is happening?
What went wrong?
I look around,
it's all gone to peace,
no noise,
no pain,
all serene,
where am I?
Is this heaven?
Love and peace,
spread about,
this is it!
This is it!
The hope has spread,
but the tears still shed,
what about my family?
My loved ones,
the ones I care for?
The ones who care for me,
hate me,
or either despise me?
Where have they gone?
Are they coming with me?
Is this all make believe,
I'm dreaming,
I'm dreaming!
It's all some mental signal,
I don't remember,
I don't remember!
What happened!?
I struggle to remember,
but only happy thought come up,
all none from the past,
The day before?
All gone?
What happened?
Throw me hope,
for I have no past,
I'm here at peace,
death got me,
I fall upon a fluffy spring,
clouds of white stream,
all before me,
all so unreal,
yet I see and feel it all,
dream or not,
I like this rather a lot.
Pain comes back,
I feel a rather sharp pain to my heart,
legs, and head,
what has happened?
I struggle my eyes open,
I barely see a gleam,
dust and darkness I see,
is this what I will be,
hidden beneath the ashes of pain,
I'm back to the shreds,
hapiness feels lost,
all is gone,
hope be spread,
throw it, it's dead,
no use,
I'm gone,
back to this life,
but my family,
I'll live for them,
for them all.
Strength I gather,
"Live child, live!"
I hear an angelic voice whisper to me,
it is my father,
he has come to rescue me,
my salvation is near,
I feel prickles of the rocks above me,
fall upon me,
I hear voices,
is help coming?
Will I be saved?
My father, my lord, my god,
I thank thee,
I love thee,
the hope was thrown,
mayor to the seams,
"Here, come here!"
I scream at the top of my limbs,
all to help,
more voices I hear,
I scream even harder,
my dried-cracked throat troubles me,
ignore the flesh,
I have to live!
My father wants me to live!
And so shall I obey his wish.
"I see something!"
I hear one of the voices cheer,
light violently burns my eyes,
the surface I can barely see,
my breath still not adjusted to the clean air,
for I've been trapped for quite a long age,
age of length,
length of days,
weeks or hours,
I'm saved!
I'm saved!
I see something from afar,
people with smiles,
love in their eyes!
Throw me hope,
and I will catch it,
throw me love,
and i will return it,
throw me anything,
I'll return the favor,
but here one thing,
throw me life,
and I'll live it long-wide.
♠ ♠ ♠
Hope you guys like this, I just had to write something for the other countries that might suffer the same fate, meaning for the other one that was struck rather violently, more violently that what Haiti did, so here I Throw some Hope down to them. :)