I will guide you..

There was a young girl who was really pretty, but behind her fake smile her life was shitty..... No one could see past her lies, and how torn up she was inside....

It's alright you can stop hiding, it will be fine cause i will help you fight it

I will be your guardian angle, I will be your flashlight, I will guide you through the forest on a cold dark night....

You may not know it but you are truly amazing.... So many people love you, so many people care...i hope that you know that

It's alright you can stop hiding, it will be fine cause i will help you fight it

I will be your guardian angle, I will be your flashlight, I will guide you through the forest on a cold dark night....

I may not be able to stop them from saying what they say, i but i stick by you, and tell you everything will be okay