The Army Soldier

He came out from the bushes
Wrinkled and dishevelled.
Broken, he looked
Agonising sorrow lining his features.

But as others ran away
We stopped, we smiled.
We saw what others didn’t
And we experienced what they never would.

He engraved his story into my mind
Leaving not broken words
But hopeful, blissful ones
As he left our side in a careless whisper.

As the broken man left
An enlightened soul sauntered up
Taking his place on the dry concrete
With a single carefree laugh.

Blind, the world is
To see him as nothing.
Stupid, they are
To overlook his spirit.

Blessed, I am
To see him for him
Special, I am
For these eyes to see.

And transformed, he is
For his scars to heal.
♠ ♠ ♠
This one is quite personal to me, I doubt I will ever forget that day.