
She reached the abyss of desolation again
Misery must be her biggest fan
The thorns of Mary’s roses scratch her soul
No one keeps her warm
No one turns a light on

No encouraging, just distortion
No belief, only distrust
She feels so much disgust
Happiness could never last
And her blood ticks way too fast

Words and gestures and faces of hatred
She’s got plenty of it
The suit of the world never seemed to fit
No peace, no freedom
But a life of pain and boredom

She’s falling down these stairs of anguish
But her mind is taking off
Castaway she’s still trying to save the day
Her bleeding heart is branded with anger
Only defiance makes her feel stronger

Her long lost dreams still scream in silence
She’s cursed by destiny’s life sentence
Locked up innocent and left all alone
She’s waiting in a desperate chamber
Of someone else’s nightmare

Thinking of the one who’d find her dreams
She’s yearning and crying bloody sees
When the wheel of her fate will turn on
She’ll break free with a blast
Bleeding no more, but free at last.