That Perfect Boy

I'm not the most perfect girl
I'm not the most beautiful
I'm not the smartest
And I'm not the most useful
But if I tried really hard
I could give you my all
I wonder if that will be enough for the perfect boy
The perfect boy I saw.

I've never been great with spoken words
And I don't know everything
I always hope for something
Because its better than nothing
I'm not the most fun
And Im not worth your awe
I still wonder if Im enough
For that perfect boy I saw.

Sometimes I'm awkward
And I laugh really loud
But I'm just me
I don't stand out from the crowd
And somehow you see me
So I pick up when you call
How can you think I'm enough?
You perfect boy I saw.

I'm not the nicest person
I don't have the purest heart
Sometimes I get angry
And I won't always be smart
But I calm when I'm around you
I feel like you complete me
You're all that I need
You perfect boy I see.

So, I'm not the most romantic
But you don't seem to care
And I'm not the prettiest
But you still stop and stare
And I can't help but wonder
If this perfect boy I see,
Is he really giving me the time of day?
Could he be for me?