knives and veins

i have a knife
i have a life
i can take one with the other
i can hide one without the other
i watch the others laugh and jeer
and feel sorry for they feel the fear
i have none and put the blade over my wrist
i give it a slight twist
to watch their faces is my greatest pleasure
as i cut so softly and lap at my own blood
my treasure
the thing no one can take without my permission
the life that can be taken by only me
for i am but a demon
that doesnt care about the mortals that watch as i drink
i drink from the ones they know
the ones they care about
i drink
not to fill a need
but because i feel like it
i drink as though it is a sweet wine
and watch as their faces turn pale
as the young ones come willingly
i laugh and take the knife and draw it across their veins
i laugh as they drink their own blood
i laugh because i know i will never be
never be so innocent