looking around

as i look around me
i see all these people
they say theyre lovers and not fighters
but theyll fight for what they love
so if they love everything
does that mean that they are really fighters at heart?
i see these people dressed in black
they say they are misunderstood
if they want to be understood
why do they shroud themselves in mystery
they cover themselves in black
just so the masses wont see the white wings coming out
angels hide in the worst of us
demons in the best
does that mean we are all half demon?
or does it mean that we are all half angel?
or does it mean that we are the true definition of imperfection?
i wish i knew the answer
for the world would be easier to stay in
for those of you who think like this
ask these questions
of yourself
and your friends
and expect nothing but the truth
a true friend will not lie and will love you unconditionally
no matter what you believe.