meant for responses

Take a breath, and take it in,

My aura's all around you.

Don't be afraid, it's only me,

Now let your heart shine true.

When it's you and me, we can be honest,

We can share our darkest secrets.

There is no shame, there is no judgement,

So speak with no regrets.

So I'll go first, it's only fair,

I'm not afraid to speak.

Who of you will cast the stone?

Which of you will drive the stake?

There was a time, when I was weak,

My spirit crushed like sand.

I used to cry, I used to bleed,

I had no outstretched hand.

I'm older now, and more mature,

I now let go of sorrow.

I now can open up to you,

I've learned to embrace tomorrow.

Go ahead and judge me, because I have got some news,

I'm proud of my cuts, and now I will pay my dues.

Becaus my cuts are now scars, and the people do ask,

How did you get those? You're a coward masked.

I love that moment, because it leads to a story,

It's a story about the great man that restored me.

It's a story of pain, a story of blood,

A story of a lifeless pulled out of the mud.

He dressed all my wounds and he gave me a family,

Which is already more than expected from me.

But he went further still, he amazed me still further more!

This is my conviction, the climax you linger for.

My wine of evil, he took the cup,

He drank it all and didn't even look up!

My anger now sorrow, Him left me speechless,

but he kept on going to secure my soul breechless.

He asked for my knives, so I gave them to him,

He said, "my gift to you is to make your scars dim.

Because it is not your stripes or scars that will heal.

My son paid the price, and he paid it in full.

My son's pain is why you can now smile,

He did it for you, and he thought all the while

I went through it all so Bo wouldn't have to,

and all I want now is for Bo to share this with you.

So that is my story,in it's densest form,

to give it all would take a lifetime or more.

Now it's your turn, so please do tell,

I promise I'll listen, as you did as well.