Keeper of My Heart

I need you like plants need rain, like life needs love, like a body needs air.
I can't say I like you, because I love you with all of my heart.
When I say I can't live without you, I mean that the day you leave I die.
I want to make you happy always, because I love seeing you smile.
I want show you how much you mean to me the best I can, but in return you push me away and keep me at a distance.
I'm willing to be hurt to make you happy, but not to be hurt because you're afraid to love me.
I too fear you leaving, but that doesn't mean you can just give up and stop trying.
I want you to see that life has hurt me more than you can ever know and that I understand how badly you've been hurt as well, but how can I when you close the door on me?
I wish to give you everything I have, but that's impossible when you can't share your life with me.
I'm trying to be the best person I can be for you, but you shove it back in my face like you're trying to tell me that I will never be good enough for you.
I want you to show me that you love me, but you'd rather run away and leave me alone and scared in the dark.
I know that you've been wronged, but so have I, so why do you act like it's only about how scared you are?
I'm scared, I'm dying, I've got so much to lose and I know there's nothing I can do to keep it all forever, but I'd like to at least try to and you're the part of my life that I can't stand to harm, but I know I will someday and I hate that, but you said you loved me.
You changed my world around from a place that was dark, lonely, trivial, pointless, terrifying, and terribly painful into one where I first felt what love was, I learned what it meant, but now you're taking all that away and putting me back into that world you took me out of.
I wish to take care of you, to be there for you, but how can I when you're pushing me over the edge.
I hear you promise it'll change, it'll get better, it's never going to happen again, but all of those promises have been empty. So very little of any of this has happened.
If you love me then prove it.
If you want me then show me.
If you care about then let me see it.
Don't just give me your word, act upon it.
I can understand if you find this impossible, but if that's the case then please tell me before this goes to much further.
Please don't run away from me. Let me go or take me in. It's all you need to do to tell me how you feel.