I'm Ready to Fall.

I'll show the world what I'm made of.
One step at a time.
But first, I have to prove to myself,
that I know how to fly.
You can't fly with broken wings, no.
That's not going to stop me, though.

I'll stand on the tallest building in the world and look down.
Outstretch my wings, theres no going back now.
I'm afraid if I fall,
I'll never stand back up.
I know what I have to do and I have to do it now.
You can't fly with broken wings, no.
That's not going to stop me, though.

So I take a deep breath, and get ready to jump.
Hearing screams of terror, the voices in my head,
heart thudding and I can feel the dread.
I can't go back now.
You can't fly with broken wings, no.
That's not going to stop me, though.

Falling forward, it's such a rush.
The panic thickens, my hearts going to jump out of my chest.
Close to the ground, I know theres no going back now.
You can't fly with broken wings, no.
That's not going to stop me, though.

At the last minute I feel your hands on my waist.
Bringing me back up so I don't fall on my face.
Risking everything, that's what I was doing.
I knew you would hear my silent plead, I knew you would hear my call,
I knew you would never let me fall.

My wings might be broken, but I still have you.
♠ ♠ ♠
Um, I don't know what to say, really.
This poem I wrote has to be my favourite.