Speak the truth

Time seems to fade
When you play your games
I get confused with your signals
Im not sure where to look when i see you

I catch a glimpse of your sparkling inviting eyes
You smile , i smile
I don’t understand
How can you do this

Constantly messing with my head
I really cant control my feelings towards you
Its like a eternal flame , failing to disappear
Yet so badly i want it to go

Why cant you just tell me the truth
Im in despair
Happiness surrounds you and I
Yet we cannot share that

I try telling you my feelings but nothing seems to come out
You speak with your eyes
I think i understand
Are you scared ?

Im not scared
Ive said what i feel , how i did feel
Just want you to share your feelings with me
Is that so hard ?

So much past between us
So many things we cannot share
Yet you choose to ignore me
Or do you

I sense confuesion
Much like a blind man un a where of what you feel
You make it so hard for me for us
Just please answer my questions

If you can
Just be your self
I try to be
Does it work im not sure

Speak the truth ?