Who I Want To Be.

Don’t try to change me
Into a shiny model
you put in a window.
I’m not an object put here for shaping,
So why does it bother you,
That I’m okay with who I choose to be.

Don’t be afraid to reach inside yourself
and pull out the real you
that you’ve kept inside that shell.
Those that say different, can go to hell.

Objects give them happiness,
when will they see that it’s
really causing them distress.
No we won’t conform to your
ideal perfect picture,
The standards you set for yourself
just aren’t for me.
So stand up tall and scream
‘I’m okay with who I want to be.’
♠ ♠ ♠
I welcome constructive critisism.
This isn't the best thing I've written
and I know it's pretty crappy.
But I want to make it better.