Please, Break Me

Impossible to see you
just a pale ghost ready to crumble
looking to be saved
denied salvation
fear of unworthiness
holding your words
choke them back down
Reach out fingers to trace your edges
made of paper, leave cuts on my hands
let the blood flow
steady drops to keep you strong
make me bleed
make me cry
keeps you warm inside
still on the brink of falling
but I keep you strong
tremble in the slightest wind
paper doll ready to collapse
the slightest provocation breaks you
and I always wait
to sew the pieces back together
But what happens
when I run out of thread?
Would you cease to be broken of your own accord?
or would you just lay there for everyone to walk all over?
Would I have to act as a bodyguard?
keep everyone out of the mess you made on the floor?
I can't do it.
There are too many
They are coming too fast for me to stop them
Some one help me?
Would you help yourself?
Someone save me,
my fixing you has broken me
beyond repair, I dare to hope
you return the salvation I lent to you
broken and crumpled just like your unsteady frame
I guess I shattered you
stupid mirror...